Installing Elastix 2.5 on Amazon EC2

Create an Amazon instance using Cent OS 5.10. I used ami-33c63a44 for this purpose.

Run the below commands in sequence:

  1. yum -y update
  2. yum -y install wget
  3. wget
  4. mkdir /mnt/iso
  5. mount -o loop Elastix-2.5.0-Stable-x86_64-bin-21oct2014.iso /mnt/iso
  6. cd /mnt/iso
  7. vi /etc/yum.repos.d/elastix-cd.repo
  8. yum -y install mysql-server
  9. yum -y install cyrus-sasl
  10. yum -y install elastix
  11. yum clean all
  12. cd /etc/rc3.d/
  13. ./S66elastix-firstboot start
  14. Enter a password for MySQL
  15. Enter a password for admin account of elastix
  16. If the firstboot failed before prompting for admin password the run
  17. sqlite3 /var/www/db/acl.db “UPDATE acl_user SET md5_password=’`echo -n dupWI45a|md5sum|cut -d’ ‘ -f1`’ WHERE name=’admin'”
  18. Reboot
  19. yum -y update

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