Resize Linux VM with Premium Disk

By default Linux VMs come with 30GB of disk space, inspite of selecting Premium Disk. Hence there are a few steps that must be followed to resize it to the desired capacity of Premium Disk (128GB/512GB/1TB). Step 1: Select required premium disk size 1 – Stop the VM 2 – Select Disks under the VMs…

Important Notes on NSG (released recently) and more

NOTE: This is from 2016 and may be no longer accurate Notes on NSG ACLs (endpoint based) and NSG are not supported together in same VM. If VM already has endpoint ACL remove it first. (Only if associating NSGs directly to VMs) If associating NSGs to subnet no need to remove endpoint based ACL NSGs…

Azure AD Connect (Public Preview)

NOTE: This is from 2015 and may be no longer valid or accurate. ADConnect is a new tool by Microsoft to sync the on-premise Active Directory to the Azure Active Directory which encompasses all the features that were there in AADSync and DirSync. Both these tools are not released individually now and the functionalities of…